Magi Astrology



March 30, 2003


The country of modern day Iraq is where the biblical Babylonia used to be.  Babylonia means the "land between two rivers" and it is in that land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that was the birthplace of astrology.  To this day, astrology is a deep tradition in Iraq.  One of astrology's greatest adherents is Saddam Hussein.  During the months leading up to the Gulf War, many newspapers in countries that border Iraq joked about how Saddam Hussein kept changing his astrologers.


With that as background, it should be obvious that Saddam Hussein, who has lied about almost everything else, has also lied about his birth date.  Saddam Hussein was not born on April 28, 1937 as he claims.  He was actually born one year earlier.


The Magi Society has clear proof of this in our possession.  (Our website was also the first to unequivocally and clearly give the correct birth date for Osama Bin Laden less than a week after the 9/11 attack.  Many e-mailers doubted us but we have been vindicated since that time; we were correct.)


Below is the Magi Astrology Chart for his birth date, including the four major asteroids.




The most important aspect is almost always the most exact aspect.  Saddam Hussein was born with a nearly exact Mars parallel Chiron; this aspect was exact on the day he was born.  Saddam Hussein has proven himself to be a killer.  There are some other famous killers born when Mars was in exact aspect to Chiron.  As revealed in our third book, Adolf Hitler was one of them.  In our book, we revealed our discovery that of all the aspects, the Mars/Chiron aspect was the most reliable sign of a person who could be violent and enjoy killing.  Saddam Hussein was in his teens when he killed his first victim.  Since then, Hussein has killed over one and half million more.


(We also explained in our third book that we all have the free will to make every natal aspect manifest itself in many possible ways, most of which can be good ones.)


More about Saddam's chart in the near future.  At this time, we just want to let you know his real birth date now that we know it.



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