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The discovery demonstrates that planets keep popping up in unexpected places around the universe. The announcement is the first time three planets close to Earth's size were found orbiting a single star, said Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz.

The discovery demonstrates that planets keep popping up in unexpected places around the universe. The announcement is the first time three planets close to Earth's size were found orbiting a single star, said Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz.

The discovery demonstrates that planets keep popping up in unexpected places around the universe. The announcement is the first time three planets close to Earth's size were found orbiting a single star, said Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz.

The discovery demonstrates that planets keep popping up in unexpected places around the universe. The announcement is the first time three planets close to Earth's size were found orbiting a single star, said Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz.

The discovery demonstrates that planets keep popping up in unexpected places around the universe. The announcement is the first time three planets close to Earth's size were found orbiting a single star, said Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz.

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