Magi Astrology

Financial Astrology of Starbucks Corporation



The Financial Astrology of Starbucks Corporation is based on the astrology chart of Starbucks Corporation. We believe we can utilize Magi Astrology to forecast the major financial trends at Starbucks better than anyone who does not utilize Magi Astrology.


The astrology chart of Starbucks Corporation is based on its date of incorporation. Starbucks Corporation was most recently incorporated in Washington on November 4, 1985.


The First Trade Date of Starbucks Corporation stock is 06/26/1992. Many Financial Astrologers believe the First Trade Date is important in predicting the stock price. The Magi Society has built an online database of well over 7500 First Trade Dates. Anyone who purchases any version of our Financial Astrology Software is given access to this database. If you would like to know more about our Financial Astrology Software, please click here.

Financial Astrology Data: Important Information About Starbucks Corporation

Starbucks Corporation (together with its subsidiaries, "Starbucks" or the "Company"), purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and sells them, along with fresh, rich-brewed coffees, Italian-style espresso beverages, cold blended beverages, a variety of complementary food items, coffee-related accessories and equipment, a selection of premium teas and a line of compact discs, primarily through Company-operated retail stores. Starbucks also sells coffee and tea products through other channels and, through certain of its equity investees, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccino®and Starbucks DoubleShot® coffee drinks and a line of superpremium ice creams. These nonretail channels are collectively known as "Specialty Operations."




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