Magi Astrology

Financial Astrology of Genzyme Corp.



The Financial Astrology of Genzyme Corp. is based on the astrology chart of Genzyme Corp.. We believe we can utilize Magi Astrology to forecast the major financial trends at Genzyme better than anyone who does not utilize Magi Astrology.


The astrology chart of Genzyme Corp. is based on its date of incorporation. Genzyme Corp. was most recently incorporated in Massachusetts on November 21, 1991.


The First Trade Date of Genzyme Corp. stock is 06/05/1986. Many Financial Astrologers believe the First Trade Date is important in predicting the stock price. The Magi Society has built an online database of well over 7500 First Trade Dates. Anyone who purchases any version of our Financial Astrology Software is given access to this database. If you would like to know more about our Financial Astrology Software, please click here.

Financial Astrology Data: Important Information About Genzyme Corp.

We are a global biotechnology company dedicated to making a major impact on the lives of people with serious diseases. Our broad product and service portfolio is focused on rare genetic disorders, renal disease, orthopaedics, organ transplant, and diagnostic and predictive testing. We were founded as a Delaware corporation in June 1981 and became a Massachusetts corporation in 1991. We are organized into five financial reporting units, which we also consider to be our reporting segments:

Renal, which develops, manufactures and distributes products that treat patients suffering from renal diseases, including chronic renal failure. The unit derives substantially all of its revenue from sales of Renagel (including sales of bulk sevelamer);

Therapeutics, which develops, manufactures and distributes therapeutic products, with a focus on products to treat patients suffering from genetic diseases and other chronic debilitating diseases, including a family of diseases known as lysosomal storage disorders, or LSDs, and other specialty therapeutics, such as Thyrogen. The unit derives substantially all of its revenue from sales of Cerezyme, Fabrazyme and Thyrogen;

Transplant, which develops, manufactures and distributes therapeutic products that address pre- transplantation, prevention and treatment of acute rejection in organ transplantation, as well as other auto-immune disorders. The unit derives its revenue primarily from sales of Thymoglobulin and Lymphoglobuline;

Biosurgery, which develops, manufactures and distributes biotherapeutics and biomaterial products, with an emphasis on products that meet medical needs in orthopaedics and broader surgical areas. The unit derives its revenue primarily from sales of Synvisc and the Sepra line of products; and

Diagnostics/Genetics, which develops, manufactures and distributes in vitro diagnostic products, and provides testing services for the oncology, and prenatal and reproductive markets.




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