Magi Astrology




Intel had a Financial Super Progression that peaked about 1.7 years ago. We believe this is why AMD has been able to take some market share from Intel. The screen display below show the Progression we are referring to.

Intel had an aspect of Venus trine Pluto in its Progressed Chart and it peaked about 1.7 years ago. Almost immediately afterwards, AMD was finally able to whittle away at Intel's market dominance and force Intel to sell its lower priced Celeron processors in order to compete with AMD.

What is interesting to note is that all four of the companies we have discussed were the leaders of the bull market in technology stocks, and all four of them had Financial Super Progressions that peaked within about a year of each other. If you think for a moment, this would have to mean that a change has occurred in the US stock market, at least for technology stocks. If you had this knowledge years ago, you could have predicted both the rise and fall of the technology stocks. Or at least you would know what was happening as it was happening. When technology stocks were going to the Moon, you would have thought: Ah, the progressions are working. Hopefully, you would have realized about a year ago that it was not a safe time to buy technology stocks because the stock price of the leaders were all going to fall because their Financial Super Progressions were all separating. When the leaders fall, so do the other stocks. THE LEADERS OF THE MARKET ARE AN EXCELLENT AND RELIABLE GAUGE OF WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE ENTIRE MARKET. You see, somehow some way, everything is interconnected in the world through astrology.


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